Legal Notice


Customer: each professional or physical capable person in accordance with articles 1123 and civil code, or legal person, visiting the website is subject to these general terms and conditions.

Benefits and services provides to Customers:

Content: total elements that constitute the information on the website, especially texts, images, and videos.

Customers information: here after called “information” corresponding to the total data likely to be held by for the management of your account, the management of customer relationship, and analyses and statistics purposes.

User: web user getting logged, using the website named above.

Personal data: “information that allows, in whatever form it might take, directly or not, the identification of physical persons to which it applies” (article 4 of law no 78-17 of 6 January 1978).

Terms “personal data”, “person concerned”, “tole manufacturer” and “sensitive data” have the meaning defined by the General Regulation of Data Security (GDPR: No 2016-679).

  1. Website presentation

According to article 6 of the law No 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for trust in numerical economy, it is noted for website users the identity of various stakeholders as part of its implementation and follow-up.

Owner: APROTEK Sarl, social capital of 20000€, VAT No FR 54 493848451 – 23 ZA les Epalits 42610 Saint-Romain-le-Puy

Publishing director: Stéphane Delheur –

The publishing director is a physical person or legal person.

Webmaster: Galifi –

Hosting company: ovh – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix 1007

Representative of data security: Stéphane Delheur –

  1. General conditions of website use, and services offered

The website represents an intellectual work protected by the legal provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and of applicable International Laws.

The Customer cannot in any circumstances reuse, give or run for its own account part or all the website elements.

The use of the website involves full and total acceptance of general conditions of use described here after. These conditions of use are likely to be modified or filled anytime, the website users are invited to read them regularly.

This website should be accessible anytime to users. However, may decide to interrupt access to carry out technical maintenance, but should previously advise users on the dates and times of the maintenance.

The website is updated regularly by responsible. The same way, legal mentions can be modified anytime: the user must respect them and is invited to read they as often as possible be informed of its content.

  1. Description of services offered

The website is for the purpose to provide information about all the activities of the company. aims to provide on the website information as precise as possible. However, it will not be liable for omissions, inaccuracies of deficiencies in updates, whether of its own doing or of that of partner third parties providing the information concerned.

All the information given on the website is given for illustrative purposes only and is likely to evolve. Furthermore, the details stated on the website are not exhaustive. They are given but subject to possible amendments that have been made since its placing online.

  1. Contractual Limitations regarding Technical Data

The website uses JavaScript technology.

The website will not be liable for material damages linked to the use of the website. Besides, the website user undertakes to access website using a recent material, virus-free and updated last generation web browser.

The website is hosted by a service provider on European Union territory, in accordance with the provisions of General Data Protection (GDPR: No 2016-679).

The goal is to give a performance ensuring the best rate of accessibility. The host ensures the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Nevertheless, it retains its right to interrupt service of hosting for shortest times possible, especially for maintenance purposes, improvement of its infrastructures, failure of its infrastructures, or if Benefits and Services generate unusual traffic. and the host shall have no liability in case of dysfunction of the network, telephone lines or computer and telephony equipment, especially linked to the network congestion preventing the access to the server.

  1. Intellectual properties and counterfeit owns intellectual property rights and holds the rights of use on every element available on the website, especially texts, images, graphic designs, logos, videos, icons and sounds. Every reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the website, whatever means is chosen, is forbidden, except by previous written authorization from

Every operation not authorized of the website or of any one of the elements it contains will be considered as constitutive for a counterfeit and prosecuted, in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and next of the Intellectual Property Code.

  1. Limitations of liability acts as website’s publisher. is liable of the quality and truth of the Content it published. will not be liable of direct or indirect damages caused to equipment by the user, when he accesses to the website, and resulting either from the use of an equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated in paragraph 4, or from the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility. will not be liable for indirect consecutive damages (such for instance as a loss of market or loss of a chance) of the use of the website

Interactives spaces (possibility to ask questions in the contact space) are at the user’s disposal. reserves the right to delete, without prior notification, any content dropped in this space which might be in breach of the relevant legislation in France, especially of the provisions on data protection. If need be, reserves the right to question the civil/penal liability of the user, especially in case of messages that are racist, insulting, libelous, or pornographic, whatever the medium used may be (text, photograph…).

  1. Personal data management

The Customer has been advised of the Rules governing marketing communication, the law of 21 June 2014 for the trust in Numerical Economy, Informatic Law and Liberty of 6 August 2004, as well as General Rules about Personal Data (GDPR: No 2016-679).

7.1. Responsible for collecting personal data

For personal data collected as part of the creation of personal user account and of the website browsing, the responsible for Personal Data processing is: Aprotek. represented by Stephane Delheur, its legal representative.

As responsible for data processing it collects, undertakes to respect the legal provisions in force. It shall also be responsible for establishing the aims of his data processing, for supplying to its prospects and customers, from the collection of their consent, full information about their personal data processing and for maintaining a process register consistent with reality. Every time is processing Personal Data, takes appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy and relevance of Personal Data in relation to the purposes for which processes them.

7.2. Purpose of personal data collected is likely to process all or part of the data:

  • To enable browsing on the Website and management and tracking of the benefits and services the user ordered: login and use data, invoicing, order history, …
  • To prevent and fight against computer fraud (spamming, hacking…): computer equipment used for browsing, IP address, password
  • To improve website browsing: login and use data
  • To carry out optional satisfaction surveys on email address
  • To carry out communication campaigns (text messages, email): phone number, email address does not sale your personal data which are only used for necessity or for statistics or analysis purposes.

7.3. Access, rectification and opposition right

Conforming to the current European rules, users of have following rights:

  • Right of access (article 15 GDPR) and of rectification (article 16 GDPR), of update, of wholeness of the user data, right of locking or deleting of the user personal data (article 17 GDPR), when they are inexact, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or of which the collection, the use, the communication or conservation is forbidden.
  • Right to remove at anytime an agreement (article 13-2c GDPR)
  • Right of limitation of the users’ data processing (article 18 GDPR)
  • Right of opposition of the users’ data processing (article 21 GDPR)
  • Right of data portability that users have given, when this data is the subject of automatized processing based on their agreement or on a contract (article 20 GDPR)
  • Right to define the users’ data fate after their death and to choose to whom will communicate (or not) their data to someone else they will have previously chosen.

As soon as is aware of the death of a User, failing specific instructions from him, undertakes to delete his data, expect if its conservation is necessary for purposes of proof or to respond to a legal obligation.

If the User wish to know how uses his Personal Data, to ask if it can be modified, or opposes to its processing, the User can contact in writing at the following address: APROTEK, 23 ZA les Epalits, 42610 Saint-Romain-le-Puy. In this case, the User must indicate the personal data he wants to modify, update or delete, by identification with a copy of an identity document (ID card, or passport).

Personal data removal requests will be subject to the obligations imposed to by the law, especially regarding the conservation or storage of documents. Finally, users of can enter a claim to the competent authorities, especially the CNIL (

7.4. Non-communication of personal data cannot process, host or transfer information collected on its customers to a country located outside European Union or recognized “not suitable” by the European Commission without advising the customer previously. However, remains free of choosing its technical toll manufacturers and sales representatives, on the condition that they provide the necessary guarantees to the requirements of the General Rule on Data Protection (GDPR: No 2016-679). undertakes to take the necessary precautions to maintain the Data security and especially to not communicate it to unauthorized persons. However, if is aware of an incident impacting the integrity or confidentiality of the Customer Data has occurred, will have to inform the Customer as soon as possible and inform him of the corrective measures taken. Furthermore, does not collect any “sensitive data”.

The Users Personal Data can be processed by subsidiaries and toll manufacturers (services providers), only to carry out the purposes of the present policy.

Within the limits of their respective attributions and for the purposes reminded above, the main persons who may have access to Users data are mainly the persons in charge of our customer service.

  1. Incident reporting

Whatever the efforts made may be, no single transmission on Internet method and no electronical storage method is completely safe. That is why we cannot guaranty an absolute security. If we become aware of a security breach, we will advise concerned users so as they will be able to take the appropriate measures. Our incident notification procedures consider our legal obligations, at national or European level. We commit to fully inform our clients on any matters regarding their account safety and to provide them any necessary information to help them respect their own regulatory obligations regarding the reporting.

No user personal data is published without his knowledge, exchanged, transferred, given up or sold to a third parties. Only the hypothesis of and its rights repurchase would allow the diffusion of this data to the potential buyer who will also be obliged to the same obligation of users data conservation and modification.


To ensure the safety and confidentiality of Personal Data and Health Personal Data, uses networks protected by standards such as firewall, pseudonymization, encryption and password.

When Personal Data is processed, takes all reasonable measures aiming to protect it from any loss, diverted use, nonauthorized access, exposure, alteration or destruction.

  1. Hypertext links, “cookies” and web beacons website contains various hypertext links towards other websites, implemented with authorization. However, cannot check the content of the visited websites, and hence will not take any responsibility.

Except if you decide to deactivate the cookies, you accept that the website can use them. You can anytime deactivate those cookies, and this for free from the deactivation possibilities given to you, and reminded here after, knowing that this can reduce or enable the accessibility of all or part of the given website Services.

9.1. “COOKIES”

A “cookie” is a small data file sent to the User browser and saved within the User device (eg. computer, smartphone). This file contains data such as the User domain name, the User internet supplier, the User operating system, as well as the date and time of access. There is no chance that the Cookies damage the User device. is likely to process the User data regarding his website visit, such as page views, research made. This information allows to improve the website content, the User browsing.

The Cookies facilitate the browsing, and/or the supply of services offered by the Website. The User can set up his browser to allow him to decide if he wants or not to accept them so that Cookies can be saved in the device or, on the contrary, so that they would be rejected, either automatically, or depending on the issuer. The User can also setup his web browser so that the acceptation or the rejection of the Cookies would be offered to him punctually, before a Cookies is likely to be saved in his device. informs the User that, in this case, it may be that the functionalities of its web browser will not be all available.

If the User refuses the registration of Cookies in his device or browser, or if the User delete those who are registered, the User is informed that his browsing and his experience on the Website can be limited. This could also be the case when or one of its provider cannot recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by the device, the display and language settings, or the country from where the device seems to be connected to internet.

In this case, does not take any responsibility for the consequences related to degraded conditions of Website use, and services offered by, resulting (i) from the rejection of Cookies by the User (ii) from the impossibility for to register or consult Cookies necessary for the function as a result of the User’s choices. For the Cookies management, and the management of User’s choices, the setup of each browser is different. It is described in the Help menu of the browser, which will allow to know how the User can modify his wishes regarding Cookies.

At any time, the User can make the choice to express or modify his choices regarding Cookies. will be able to require external providers’ services to help collect and process the information described in this section.

Finally, by clicking on icon dedicated to social networks Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus, figuring on Website or on its mobile application and if the User accepted the registration of Cookies while following his browsing on website or its mobile application, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus can also drop Cookies on your devices (computer, tablet, mobile phone).

These types of Cookies are dropped on your devices only if you consent, continuing your browsing on the website or the mobile application of At any time, the User can reconsider his agreement for dropping this kind of Cookies.

9.2. Web beacons can use occasionally web beacons (also called “tags” or action tags, single-pixel gif, transparent gif, invisible gif, one-by-one gif) and deploy them via a partner specialized in Web analyses that may be located (and so store corresponding information, included User’s IP address) in a foreign country. These web beacons are placed in online publicities allowing web users to access to the Website and on its different pages.

This technology allow to evaluate the visitors’ responses towards the Website and the efficacity of its actions (for example, the number of times a page is open and the information consulted), as well as the use of this Website by the User.

The external provider will possibly be able to collect information on the Website visitors and visitors of other websites thanks to these web beacons, to constitute reports on the activity on the Website for and supply other services related to its use and to the Internet.

  1. Applicable law and legal jurisdiction

Any dispute regarding the use of website is subject to French law. Except cases to which the law does not allow it, it has exclusive attributions to the relevant courts of Saint-Etienne.