To celebrate this milestone, our team got together in the fresh air for a 3-day seminar in Chamonix. 🏔️
🎯 A workshop was organised to look back on all the work we’ve done so far, and to discuss our objectives and roadmap for the coming years.
🚠 But it was also an opportunity to relax and enjoy each other’s company in a less formal setting. The programme included cocktails by the pool, rafting, a visit to the Mer de Glace and the Grotte, walks, swimming and, of course, an aperitif!
🤣 To sum up the trip: good food, lots of laughs and a great atmosphere. APROTEK, a dynamic, smiling and responsive team that works hand in hand for ever more satisfied customers.
🌱 Last but not least, the premature melting of the glacier is making us more aware than ever of the consequences of climate change. Aware of these high stakes, we will continue our efforts to recycle even more materials and support our customers in improving their carbon footprint.