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mars 24, 2017

Interview of Stéphane Delheur on RCF radio

Stéphane Delheur, CEO of APROTEK®, was recently invited to the radio program « Coup d’Avance » on RCF radio. In this interview, Mr Delheur presented an innovative use of his products to solidify all type of sludge. To know more about it and listen full interview,…

mars 2, 2017

TERRACORRECT at See-Days 2017 in Belgium

TERRACORRECT was present for the event See-Days 2017 in Kortrijk Expo, in Belgium. It was the opportunity for visitors to discover our products APROMUD®. The company TERRACORRECT, based in Deerlijk, represents APROTEK® in Belgium and Holland. For more information on our products regarding environmental use, please Glenn HEERNAERT by email…

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